Inspire Business Breakfast is on this Saturday 22nd October 2022. Enjoy a full breakfast, networking opportunities and learning from the guest speaker and each other.
Time: 8:00am – 10:00am at Cityview Church
Guest Speaker: Graeme Robb
Graeme Robb has a strong business background having worked for organisations such as Shell Australia and Westpac. He is now responsible for the Product Design and Delivery unit at the Australian Institute of Management WA. As part of this role he leads a team of over fifty Internal and External Facilitators.
Since starting in the business world, Graeme moved from front line, mid-level, and state manager positions, up to C-Suite levels. Throughout this career he gathered experience as a business owner operating his own business.
In these roles Graeme observed a global shift of emphasis from managing to leading. Leading has become a key skill requirement as we progress in our career.
Graeme’s involvement in the Personal and Professional development field has kept him at the forefront of leadership training. This has offered an understand of what is working, what is a passing fad, and what is making a difference.
Graeme has created and delivered numerous courses as well as facilitated workshops on leadership and management issues since 1996. On Saturday he will be talking about a divisive topic – SERVANT LEADERSHIP.