News & Announcements (Page 8)
Stay up to date with all the latest news and announcements around Cityview Church. On this page you’ll find a list of all our latest news appearing in reverse chronological order. There are filters available in the header image if you’re trying to find something or you can try searching using the magnifying glass / search function in the top menu.
Where are the others?
My three-year-old grandson, Levi, looks up from the seat he was sitting on at the dinner table to ask the question, “Where are the others?
Photoshoot: Next Sunday 15th May 2016
Our next photoshoot to complete our family tree is next Sunday 15th May 2016. Please come along and have your family’s photo taken!
New Missions Partnership – Gliddon Family
On Sunday, the 1st May, we introduced our new sponsorship of the Gliddon Family who are founders of Mother’s Heart Cambodia.
Unexpected Visitor – the White Swan
I just happened to glance across the lake. There, to my amazement, was a white swan gracefully floating in the calm water!
Our Father…
To truly demonstrate our love for our Father, is to love our brothers and sisters and acknowledge them in prayer.
Magnify the LORD
God has always been (and always will be) BIG! He’s big in love, big in mercy, big in grace. He’s everywhere at all times
Interactive Bible Studies
Come and join our Wednesday Night Interactive Bible Study Program Wednesdays 7.15 pm – 8.45 pm.
He Keeps His Promises
He is totally reliable, He’s not just trustworthy, He IS our trust. His very nature encompasses the word ‘trust’.