Sermons on John (Page 2)
I Choose You
Making choices is one of the things that sets us humans apart from the animal kingdom.
Perfect Light
The Bible tells you who God is. I believe that one of the best created entities that the Bible uses to showcase who He is, is LIGHT.
New Sharp and Dangerous
“See, I will make you into a threshing sledge, new and sharp, with many teeth. You will thresh the mountains and crush them, and reduce the hills”. Today’s sermon “New Sharp and Dangerous” was preached by Pastor Vicki on Sunday 26th November 2023.
Get Out of the Grave
A lot of people believe in Jesus for their salvation but continue crawling around as if He’s still lying behind His tomb stone with no power.
Faith in God’s Love
There are many Christians, in the church, whose love has waned and grown cold. Why has this happened and what should we do?
Stir Up The Water
If the water is symbolic of the word of God, then the times the angel stirred the waters was like stirring up or activating the word of God
Spiritual Anorexia
Christ wishes his spiritual children to not remain babies, but to grow up and mature into spiritually strong Christians. This sermon “Spiritual Anorexia” was preached by Ps Vicki Brand on Sunday 30th April 2023.
Living Longer
Job 14:5 says, “A man’s days are numbered…”. Can we negotiate that number, or do we settle for when our number is ‘called’ it is ‘called’?