Sermons on John (Page 5)
Red Letter Challenge Week 6- Going
At the heart of the Red Letter Challenge, the church is challenged to live more like Jesus, so that we can represent Him truly, and,we’re challenged to share our personal testimony.
The Holy Spirit is in Us
We often talk about Jesus being a gift from God to the world and this is true. But it doesn’t stop here, because God has also gifted us with the precious Holy Spirit who guides and comforts us through every situation we face in life.
Knowing God, Your Opponent and Yourself
Submit yourself to God in your weakness. For where you are weak, that is where the power of the cross can be demonstrated to the greatest degree. 2Cor 12:9
Palm Sunday
Here He was, Jesus Christ, the representative, the Messiah of God, entering Jerusalem, the Holy City, to deal with the sins of mankind for all time!
Famous Last Words
How do the final words of Jesus, dying on the cross, impact us as Christians today?
Getting the Black Dog off your back Pt2
Jesus said, in John 10:10, “I have come that you may have life and, have it to the full.” Does this sound like a depressed life to you?