Sermons on Mark (Page 2)
An Oxymoron
The word “communion” comes from the KJ translation of the Greek word for “sharing”. The phrase “communion for one” therefore is an oxymoron.
Jesus Killed a Tree
Ps Vicki Brand preaches a sermon on fruitfulness on Sunday 8th May 2022 titled “Jesus Killed a Tree”
Who Will Roll the Stone Away
Pastor Pamela preaches a sermon on Easter Sunday titled “Who Will Roll The Stone Away” on Sunday 17th April 2022.
Can, Willing, Done
“Can Willing Done” a sermon by Pastor Vicki Brand on 31st October 2021
Red Letter Challenge Week 6- Going
At the heart of the Red Letter Challenge, the church is challenged to live more like Jesus, so that we can represent Him truly, and,we’re challenged to share our personal testimony.