

There is the sound of the roar of a heavy shower

Elijah was persistent in prayer, the widow (in Luke 18:1-8) was persistent in prayer. Are you persistent? Our faith keeps us persisting! Because YOU KNOW, that you know, that you know, that GOD is going to come through. Until you have a very clear sign from God that you must stop praying. You keep on persisting. You keep on believing that there is “…the sound of the roar of a heavy shower…”.


Obadiah, in 1 Kings 18, lived his name. His name meant – serving God. Obadiah truly served God despite being surrounded by evil.

Needs Met

As scary and unattractive this world may seem, God hasn’t called us to leave this world, but to shine His light no matter how dark times may become. I searched the scriptures for a spiritual role model facing similar adversities as the church is facing today. I found one! Elijah. Please enjoy and learn from this first sermon in a series concerning him.