Sermons by Ps Pamela Haneveld (Page 10)
The Crumbs Which Fall from the Master’s Table
How you perceive God may determine your level of relationship with Him. In Matthew 15:21-28, there is an account of a Canaanite woman who perceived God to be good, despite the negative experiences she was facing at that time. Her positive perception resulted in an amazing outcome.
Cape Tribulation
Have you had to navigate a few ‘Cape Tribulations’ in your life -where it seems as if – all your troubles began?
Don’t wait to get to heaven to enjoy all which Jesus died for you to obtain.
Red Letter Challenge Week 6- Going
At the heart of the Red Letter Challenge, the church is challenged to live more like Jesus, so that we can represent Him truly, and,we’re challenged to share our personal testimony.
Red Letter Challenge Week 3- Forgiving
True Christians are imitators of Jesus Christ. If He forgives, so should we. Otherwise we’re frauds, hypocrites. Jesus requires from us forgiveness. Let’s ‘drop our rocks’ and forgive.