Sermons by Ps Pamela Haneveld (Page 12)
Jesus Remember Me
God’s salvation can happen anytime, anywhere, to anyone. Don’t give up hope!
Palm Sunday
Here He was, Jesus Christ, the representative, the Messiah of God, entering Jerusalem, the Holy City, to deal with the sins of mankind for all time!
Famous Last Words
How do the final words of Jesus, dying on the cross, impact us as Christians today?
The Tongue – A Small Fire
Are you allowing God’s Word to roll from your tongue or are you imitating the words of the evil one? What’s your ‘spiritual accent’?
Getting the Black Dog off your back Pt2
Jesus said, in John 10:10, “I have come that you may have life and, have it to the full.” Does this sound like a depressed life to you?
Getting the Black Dog off your back
Some people want a quick spiritual fix for a problem that’s perpetuating because of their choice of life style. God has shown us clearly in His Word what is good for us.
Debt to Love
As far as God is concerned, we are in debt to love others!
The Birth of A Preacher
This amazing New Testament account makes me realise that Christians have no excuse for not telling others about what Jesus has done for us.