Sermons by Ps Pamela Haneveld (Page 2)
An Inconvenient Miracle
Inconvenience is a ‘given’ in a fallen world. But a nasty reaction to inconvenience
shouldn’t be a ‘given’ for a Christian.
Shut Eye
Christians are blessed because they have a spiritual solution to restless nights which has stood the test of time.
The Winemaker is Better than the Wine!
Jesus turned 600 litres of water into wine. That’s a lot of wine for a wedding that’s coming to an end. Jesus gave over and beyond any expectation!
Lost & Found
The fall of man meant a lost relationship to the Creator. God understands loss, He empathizes with our grief.
It’s Written In Red
Jesus became red so He could deliver us from the red that stains us: “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow…”
Don’t Nurse Your Anger
Anger is a very powerful emotion, and as such can be a very destructive force. How should Christians handle their anger even if it is justified?
Are You a Beast of Burden?
A true relationship with God through Jesus is a win situation for us! For the yoke we share with Him is easy and His burden is our blessing. This sermon “Are You a Beast of Burden?” was preached by Paster Pamela on Sunday 3rd March 2024. Sermon Transcript If you have your bibles, please turn with me toMatthew 11:28-30 Otherwise, read from the screen above.Matthew 11:28-30 Jesus said,“Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will…
I Choose You
Making choices is one of the things that sets us humans apart from the animal kingdom.