Sermons by Ps Pamela Haneveld (Page 4)
Are You Needy?
We are told that neediness and clinginess are not good for any long-term relationship. But when it comes to Jesus you NEED to be clingy!
Great Escape from Vestibular Migraine
We must be active in our pursuit of freedom. God delivered me from vestibular migraine, but I had to do my part too.
Cornerstone or Stumbling Block?
Christianity is a very serious state of being. It is a way of life which begins with Jesus as the foundation.
Healthy Heart
We need a healthy heart for healthy longevity. The bible gives some wonderful advice concerning keeping our heart happy and healthy. Sermon Transcript: Healthy Heart 14th May 2023Proverbs 17:22“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones”Proverbs 4:23“Above all else guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”Psalm 119:111“Your laws are my heritage; they are the joy of my heart.”Matthew 5:8“Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.”Proverbs 21:2“Every man’s…
Living Longer
Job 14:5 says, “A man’s days are numbered…”. Can we negotiate that number, or do we settle for when our number is ‘called’ it is ‘called’?
The Stable Is Clean
Sermon: “The Stable is Clean” by Ps Pamela on Sunday 16th April 2023. “All the nappies changed, all the meals I’ve prepared, all the clothes I’ve washed, all the toys I’ve picked up, the cost of having children was well worth it” Sermon Transcript: I enjoy being a nanna and I thoroughly enjoy being a pastor of a church full of children. I do, it couldn’t be any better for me because children are incredibly funny to watch, especially when…
Easter Sunday 2023
The sermon for Easter Sunday is titled “Not Expecting Him to Be There”. It was preached by Ps Pamela on Sunday 9th April 2023. Sermon Transcript: [Show picture of Queen Elizabeth]Queen Elisabeth II was reigning queen of 32 sovereign states during her lifetime and was head of state of 15 realms at the time of her death. Her reign of 70 years and 214 days was the longest of any British monarch and the longest verified reign of any female…
Spiritual Scotoma & Seeing Jesus
People say, “Seeing is believing!” but talking spiritually it’s actually the believing that enables the seeing.