Sermons by Ps Pamela Haneveld (Page 5)
Moojar, our Australian Christmas Tree
The Australian Christmas Tree, Moojar, taps into the roots of other trees, we need to spiritually tap into God and draw from His goodness.
An Open Door of Opportunity
God’s idea of what an open door of opportunity is It is clear from Scripture that often the term ‘open door’ is a symbol of opportunity. But what kind of an opportunity are we really talking about? Sermon Transcript It was late May 2020. I was cleaning up the church after organizing some much-needed renovations during the first covid lockdown in Perth. Can you remember that Ps Vicki? We worked hard and we moved like lightening to get it all…
Is Singing Necessary?
Is singing in church optional for those Christians who find it difficult to sing in tune? Surely, it is for the musically talented.
Are you in Debt?
Today, we cover a true account of a desperate woman who needed a big financial breakthrough. She was in serious debt.
An Oxymoron
The word “communion” comes from the KJ translation of the Greek word for “sharing”. The phrase “communion for one” therefore is an oxymoron.
Is Humility a Good Thing?
Sermon delivered by Pastor Pamela – Is Humility a Good Thing?
The Truth can be Hard to Tell
The Truth can be Hard to Tell, by Pastor Pamela Haneveld
Does God Hear You?
Does God hear us when we pray to him? Watch or listen to this sermon – part of the Nazerite 2 Series