Here you can browse our archive of past sermons. They are available in audio format and newer sermons are also available in video format. When you play a video it should automatically commence at the beginning of the sermon. Videos are listed below in order of newest to oldest. You can browse by category by selecting the category menus at the bottom of the header image on this page.
Online Streaming
At Cityview Church we live stream our full service every Sunday. You can watch it live here or on our YouTube channel. Make sure you go to our YouTube channel and click the subscribe button so you can tune in live when you can’t make it to church. We would much rather fellowship with you in person, and if you’re new we would love to meet you!
Life Begins with a Choice
Steven Warwick delivers his testimony on 16th January 2022
Touching Jesus
This sermon was delivered by John Warwick on 2nd February 2022, titled “Touching Jesus”
Boxing Day Service
The Boxing Day sermon for 2021 was preached by John Warwick
The Wise Men and their Gifts
The Wise Men and Their Gifts, delivered by Cameron, Ps Bree & Matthias
Sea of Forgetfulness
“Sea of Forgetfulness” by Ps Pamela on 28th November 2021
The Mind, the Battlefield
“The Mind, the Battlefield” sermon by Ps Pamela on 21st November 2021
This Is Gonna Be the Best Day of My Life!
Sermon delivered by Ps Pamela on 14th November 2021 titled “This Is Gonna Be the Best Day of My Life!”
What can the Righteous do?
This sermon titled “What can the Righteous do?” was preached by John Warwick on 7th November 2021