Sermons (Page 5)

Sermons (Page 5)


Here you can browse our archive of past sermons. They are available in audio format and newer sermons are also available in video format. When you play a video it should automatically commence at the beginning of the sermon. Videos are listed below in order of newest to oldest. You can browse by category by selecting the category menus at the bottom of the header image on this page.

Online Streaming

At Cityview Church we live stream our full service every Sunday. You can watch it live here or on our YouTube channel. Make sure you go to our YouTube channel and click the subscribe button so you can tune in live when you can’t make it to church. We would much rather fellowship with you in person, and if you’re new we would love to meet you!

Psalm 23

This Sermon “Psalm 23” was preached by John Warwick on Sunday 17th March 2024

Are You a Beast of Burden?

A true relationship with God through Jesus is a win situation for us! For the yoke we share with Him is easy and His burden is our blessing. This sermon “Are You a Beast of Burden?” was preached by Paster Pamela on Sunday 3rd March 2024. Sermon Transcript If you have your bibles, please turn with me toMatthew 11:28-30 Otherwise, read from the screen above.Matthew 11:28-30 Jesus said,“Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will…

Relationship with Jesus

Three ways Jesus related to people in the Bible and can relate to us – by invitation, by bringing our needs to Jesus and by engaging with Jesus.